Cangzhou Shengshi Weiye Automobile Accessory co.,ltd.


Business For Eccentric Screw

On January 24, 2021, Alibaba received an inquiry from Israel. The customer asked about eccentric screws. The customer wanted 40 samples of 12.9 12mm eccentric screws. I asked the customer whether they need single pad or double pad. The customer said yes After confirming with the customer, I asked for the customer's address and phone number, and reported the shipping fee based on the customer's address. The customer responded two days later, asking if I could arrange payment through PayPal, and then I did PI.

I asked the customer's feedback on PI whether payment has been arranged. The customer said that the payment would be arranged later, and after a while the customer gave a water bill. A sample order is arranged.

The transaction with the client went smoothly this time, and the transaction was concluded in just three days. The customer believed that we arranged the payment, and the customer's intention was very clear. And the price is in line with customer requirements. It is necessary to understand the customer’s market before the transaction, so the quotation is very close to the customer’s expected price, so the customer can be retained for further negotiation and cooperation. Therefore, when we receive an enquiry from a customer, we should first search for customer information, understand the customer’s company, product, market price and other information, and then understand customer needs through dialogue with customers to help customers solve problems. Finally, the order is obtained through price negotiation.



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